• Personal Holiness:
    • Ensure spiritual and physical purity.
    • Avoid hard labor or activities that could lead to bleeding or impurity.
    • Be mindful of relationships and interactions to avoid undesired situations.
  • Reverence:
    • Do not wash hands, spit, or brush teeth immediately after Communion to honor the divine presence within.
  • Recognize that the Holy Communion is inherently sacred and strive to align yourself with that holiness.

  • Three Orders of Priesthood:
    • Deacon, Priest, and Bishop.
  • Monks and Priesthood:
    • Monks are unmarried priests who can ascend to the role of bishop.
    • Married priests cannot become bishops.
  • Hierarchy: Monks and priests are of the same order, but monkhood reflects a distinct path of celibacy.

Yes, the calling to the priesthood is a specific vocation. Not everyone is called to be ordained. All Christians are called to discipleship, but some individuals are called to serve in ordained ministry. Others may be called to different forms of service, but ordination is optional for those roles.

No, women are not permitted to preach in a formal church service, as preaching is associated with the ministerial duties of priests and bishops. However, women can teach in certain settings, such as within women’s ministries or classrooms. In ministries where only women are present, women may lead and teach within that context.

Yes, women can participate in the choir alongside men. Singing praises to the Lord is open to everyone. This is supported by biblical examples, such as Miriam, the sister of Moses, leading the Israelites in praise after they crossed the Red Sea and the Egyptian army was drowned (Exodus 15:20–21).